Thursday, April 2, 2015

Antibiotic Executive Summary





In 1985, my late business partner, Gerald Hirsch, Ph.D. biochemist, and I developed a theory describing a hypothetical antibiotic.  We established The Lithox Corporation to exploit this new technology.  We spent four years trying to synthesize the molecule but were unsuccessful, and we closed The Lithox Corporation in 1989. 


       After 15 years of working on the idea, I finally succeeded through trial and error.  My 74th attempt yielded the correct synthetic method.  Here is a summary of my work.


                         A NEW ANTIBIOTIC COMPOUND             

 I have discovered a new chemical entity with antibiotic properties that works by inhibiting the production of protein in bacteria.  This stops bacterial growth without killing them. This compound should have low toxicity to humans because it does not interfere with human protein synthesis, which differs from that of bacteria.


Since protein synthesis in bacteria is carried on outside of DNA, the compound does not target DNA synthesis or functions.  This means that bacteria should not develop resistance to the compound as they do with antibiotics that target DNA. This characteristic is significant.  Because of the lethal properties of many existing antibiotics, bacteria have developed resistance.  Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including the flesh-eating MRSA, are increasingly prevalent in hospitals and doctor’s offices worldwide, posing significant risks to patients.  Although some current treatments exist for this problem, they can be difficult to administer, toxic to humans, or have expired patent protection.  This new compound has the potential to solve these problems and offer significant revenues to pharmaceutical companies.


This antibacterial compound can be used by humans for internal infections and external skin infections, veterinarian use—both in food animals and pets—and agricultural use to treat bacterial infections in plants.  It can also be used as a topical spray, and in wound coverings to prevent or treat bacterial infections, and many other uses where anti-bacterial capability is desired.


            The inventor, who already holds several patents, has developed a novel method to create the molecule, the compound he created has not been described in the scientific literature, and the antibacterial properties of the compound are unanticipated in the literature. These factors make the compound novel and useful, which is necessary for patentability.


           The initial testing on bacteria, including MRSA, has been completed and produced positive results as expected. The next stage includes wider in vitro tests, chemical characterization, and animal testing.  Patent filings would follow.


            The market potential, considering the wide variety of uses, is huge. My goal is to create an entity that subcontracts the necessary testing, files patents, and licenses the patents to various companies who will then complete the testing appropriate to their respective markets, and commercialize the compound.

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