Thursday, April 2, 2015

Antibiotic Executive Summary





In 1985, my late business partner, Gerald Hirsch, Ph.D. biochemist, and I developed a theory describing a hypothetical antibiotic.  We established The Lithox Corporation to exploit this new technology.  We spent four years trying to synthesize the molecule but were unsuccessful, and we closed The Lithox Corporation in 1989. 


       After 15 years of working on the idea, I finally succeeded through trial and error.  My 74th attempt yielded the correct synthetic method.  Here is a summary of my work.


                         A NEW ANTIBIOTIC COMPOUND             

 I have discovered a new chemical entity with antibiotic properties that works by inhibiting the production of protein in bacteria.  This stops bacterial growth without killing them. This compound should have low toxicity to humans because it does not interfere with human protein synthesis, which differs from that of bacteria.


Since protein synthesis in bacteria is carried on outside of DNA, the compound does not target DNA synthesis or functions.  This means that bacteria should not develop resistance to the compound as they do with antibiotics that target DNA. This characteristic is significant.  Because of the lethal properties of many existing antibiotics, bacteria have developed resistance.  Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including the flesh-eating MRSA, are increasingly prevalent in hospitals and doctor’s offices worldwide, posing significant risks to patients.  Although some current treatments exist for this problem, they can be difficult to administer, toxic to humans, or have expired patent protection.  This new compound has the potential to solve these problems and offer significant revenues to pharmaceutical companies.


This antibacterial compound can be used by humans for internal infections and external skin infections, veterinarian use—both in food animals and pets—and agricultural use to treat bacterial infections in plants.  It can also be used as a topical spray, and in wound coverings to prevent or treat bacterial infections, and many other uses where anti-bacterial capability is desired.


            The inventor, who already holds several patents, has developed a novel method to create the molecule, the compound he created has not been described in the scientific literature, and the antibacterial properties of the compound are unanticipated in the literature. These factors make the compound novel and useful, which is necessary for patentability.


           The initial testing on bacteria, including MRSA, has been completed and produced positive results as expected. The next stage includes wider in vitro tests, chemical characterization, and animal testing.  Patent filings would follow.


            The market potential, considering the wide variety of uses, is huge. My goal is to create an entity that subcontracts the necessary testing, files patents, and licenses the patents to various companies who will then complete the testing appropriate to their respective markets, and commercialize the compound.

Antibiotic Business Plan


                                             OF A NEW ANTIBIOTIC



                                                By Robert Bayless, inventor.


Following positive Phase III test results for both a new anti-fungal and a new antibiotic, Pfizer, Inc. bought a small company, Vicuron Pharmaceuticals, for $1.9 billion in cash in 2005. Pfizer could justify such a purchase premium because total worldwide antibiotic sales in 2000 exceeded $25 billion. A single blockbuster drug can generate $1 billion in sales in the first year, allowing large drug firms to recoup their investment immediately.

Project Summary: This project to create, patent, and market a patent describing a new antibiotic requires a total investment of $5 million over five years to maximize future patent yields. Identifying, testing, and preparing the patent should take four years, followed by filing the patent and marketing it to drug firms in year five. When a drug firm commits to a licensing deal, they typically pay upfront money, and royalty payments in the range of 5% to 10% of total revenue continue for the patent's life. Setting up a joint venture between a major drug firm and the patent holder increases the potential for a higher return to the original investors compared to a license or acquisition.

Background: In 1983, Robert Bayless began researching new antibiotics to treat bacterial infections with the late Dr. G.P. Hirsch, Ph.D. He and Dr. Hirsch established The Lithox Corporation in 1985 to further refine this research. After four years of work, they were unable to synthesize a stable product that could withstand the rigors of synthesis, purification, and analysis. They filed and were granted six U.S. patents disclosing the use of an amino acid as an antioxidant to treat various ailments. In 2001, while continuing his study alone, Bayless discovered a novel synthesis method for a new antibiotic. After considerable research and work, he filed a series of Disclosure Documents, culminating in the 2014 disclosure   The disclosed products need to be synthesized and identified using a variety of standard analytical techniques, biological tests conducted both in vitro and in animals, and patents filed describing such products and their uses.



The U.S. pharmaceutical industry is facing challenges. Worldwide, branded pharmaceutical sales are projected to exceed $706 billion in 2012. However, about 9% of patents expire annually, resulting in a loss of roughly $60 billion in projected revenues to the generic market each year. For instance, in 1984, only 19% of U.S. prescriptions were filled with generics; by 2015, that number had risen to 88%. The generic market comprises approximately $67 billion in sales each year, with profit margins that are razor-thin compared to those of patent-protected drugs. Global animal pharmaceutical sales average around $14 billion per year, with large volumes but minuscule profits. Consequently, large drug firms actively seek patented products for human use that will ensure a price-protected market for the future.

Primary target markets for a new antibiotic include:

Internal use to treat bacterial infections in humans, including respiratory infections.

External use to treat bacterial skin infections in humans.

Inhalation use to treat bacterial lung infections in humans.

Internal use to treat bacterial infections in food and non-food animals.

External use to treat bacterial skin infections in food and non-food animals.

Systemic use to treat bacterial infections in food and non-food plants.

Topical sprays to treat bacterial infestations in food and non-food plants.

Cleaning fluids and sprays to disinfect surfaces.

Disinfection of foods and liquids, including water and blood.

Use in wound coverings to prevent and treat bacterial infections.


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 Market Strategy:

 Bayless proposes to market patent-pending drugs to large pharmaceutical firms with the resources to conduct clinical trials and finance the FDA regulatory process necessary to sell drugs in the United States. However, large drug firms refuse to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements to review new drug entities in the pre-patent stage because of concerns that their ongoing research may impinge on the new material. By designating the drugs as patent-pending, the drug firms can review the material without such concerns. Additionally, since it takes on average 12 years and costs $24 million to bring a New Chemical Entity (NCE) to the preclinical/nonclinical patented stage, large drug firms can skip a significant part of the time delay and uncertainty of the drug discovery process (refer to Attachment "C" for an in-depth discussion of drug discovery and development costs). The cost difference between the $24 million incurred on average by large firms to develop a patented drug in-house and the $5 million cost outlined by this document constitutes the value-added available to investors in this plan.



 Patents are legal monopolies granted within the capitalist system that provide up to 20 years of exclusive ownership for a given technological advance. European patents must be filed before U.S. patents issue to protect European rights, so the timing of patent filing is of great importance. Investors should consult patent counsel to fully understand the patent process.

Funding Proposal:

To interest a major drug firm in a licensing deal, the following steps must be accomplished (please refer to Attachment “B” for the complete Research Plan proposal):

 Step I: Set up a corporate entity to pursue the patent (please see Corporate Structure for details).

 Step II: Prepare and file a provisional U.S. patent. Although Bayless has already written one, it requires review and editing by patent counsel before filing.

 Step III: Synthesize compounds, identify chemicals, and conduct biological testing. Once the Provisional Patent is filed, approach companies to subcontract the synthesis, analysis, and in vitro and animal testing required to support a patent filing.

 Step IV: File U.S. Patent application(s) based on the results. The filing provides patent pending protection. Filing foreign patents must occur before the U.S. patent issues. Steps II and III run concurrently.

Step V: Begin marketing the patent(s) to major drug firms.




GlaxoSmithKline has agreed to purchase all outstanding shares of Praecis Pharmaceuticals for $54.8 million. Praecis has an anticancer drug in development.

 Genmab has entered into a worldwide agreement with GlaxoSmithKline to commercialize a human monoclonal antibody for the treatment of leukemia. Genmab received a license fee of $102 million, and GSK agreed to invest $357 million in Genmab. Additionally, Genmab received tiered royalties on worldwide sales.

Exelixis has entered into a worldwide agreement to develop cancer treatments with Bristol-Myers Squibb. Exelixis received $60 million in cash, $20 million for each drug candidate selected by BMS, and royalties on worldwide sales.

Altus Pharmaceuticals has entered into an agreement with Genentech to commercialize their version of human growth hormone. Genentech paid $15 million upfront and purchased $15 million of Altus' stock. Commercialization milestones trigger up to an additional $110 million in payments.

Kosan Biosciences has established a worldwide license agreement with Pfizer for a drug to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Kosan received $12.5 million upfront, and Pfizer will initiate a Phase I trial. If commercialization is successful, Kosan will receive $250 million, as well as royalties on worldwide sales.

AstraZeneca paid a $20 million milestone payment to Targacept following the successful completion of clinical studies of a cognitive-enhancing drug.

MedImmune signed an agreement with Japan Tobacco with the intent to develop a monoclonal antibody to treat lupus. JT received upfront payments, as well as royalties on marketed products. MedImmune received exclusive development and marketing rights everywhere in the world except Japan. 

Crucell has signed a cross-licensing agreement with Merck, allowing Merck to use Crucell's technology in the vaccine field. In exchange, Crucell will receive access to Merck's large-scale vaccine manufacturing technology.

Albany Molecular Research has entered into a two-year collaboration with Bristol-Myers Squibb. This collaboration includes upfront payments, research funding, and milestone payments.

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Attachment B: Research Plan






                             RESEARCH PLAN FOR PATENT FILING


          U.S. Patent law establishes a blueprint for research aimed at patenting a new chemical compound with medicinal properties in humans.  The compound must be novel, which means that it must be chemically identified, and then a patent search, as well as a Chemical Abstract search, must show that no similar compound has been synthesized and characterized anywhere in the world in the last 150 years.  The specific tests to positively identify a given compound will vary according to the atomic structure of the compound, but general categories of compounds require similar tests.

A patentable compound must have demonstrable utility, which in the case of medicinal compounds, has been defined by court ruling to mean both in vitro tests and successful animal tests.  A U.S. Appeals Court ruling has established that reduction to practice for a medicinal compound occurs only after the successful completion of appropriate animal tests, so any patent filing submitted without such data will fail on grounds of non-utility. Clinical trials showing utility in humans are not necessary to obtain a valid U.S. patent. 

 There also exists the patent concept of broad versus narrow patents.  A broad patent is granted to a novel group of compounds in which a new area of chemical entities with novel properties has been discovered.  A narrow patent is granted where a new use for a known compound is sought.  Broad patents have more commercial value than narrow patents.  With broad patents, the rule is: to show three examples and claim the world.  Therefore, a search for closely related compounds with biological activity is mandatory if a broad patent is desired.  Effectiveness against a range of organisms allows broad claims of utility against entire classes of organisms.

 With these considerations in mind, a sequential course of action would include the following steps:

  Year One:

 Set up the corporate structure to retain the rights to any patents filed by the corporate entity.  Retain a patent lawyer to review the provisional patent as already written by Bayless.  A prior art search and opinion as to the patentability of the drug discovery is the first step.  A provisional patent should then be filed, as revised by the attorney.  Provisional patents are used a placeholders.  If the actual patent filing goes beyond the provisional patent in scope, the Patent Office will disallow the broader claims, so the provisional patent should be as broad as possible.  Provisional patents are good for one year.  If the actual patent is not filed within the one-year period, a second or third provisional patent can be filed, but the priority filing date of the first or second provisional patent is lost. 

Cost: $50,000.



Once the provisional patent is filed, a preclinical drug discovery company that specializes in the synthesis and testing of compounds will be located and hired (See Southern Research Institute at the end for example).   An NDA should be signed by the companies selected, but the provisional patent does not have to be shared with them until after a deal is signed.  Once the legal requirements are in place, the synthesis of active ingredients, using both Method One and Method Seventy-Four, will be conducted with the original compound as well as its analogs, as selected by Bayless.  Following synthesis, precipitation, and/or freeze-drying, the purification of active ingredients will occur.  Synthesis of compounds will be an ongoing process that may require two to four years to complete.  Research is not a linear process, but a series of hop-scotch steps forward and back and sideways, making it hard to forecast how long is long enough.

            Cost:  $950,000.


 Year Two:     

           Biological testing should begin.  As compounds are synthesized, they should be tested in vitro against a range of microorganisms to select metabolically active compounds for further review.          A biological testing lab will have to be selected and hired to conduct such tests.  (See Accugen Labs for example at the end)  Here again, the extent of in vitro testing necessary to evaluate synthesized compounds is difficult to forecast at this time.  The obvious endpoint is when sufficient testing is completed to support a broad patent.  The patent attorney should have input here.


          1.     Tests of synthesized compounds should be run to identify which of

them possess inhibitory properties.  Growth Inhibition Curves in liquid media

against a range of bacteria will accomplish this task.

         2.     Toxicity screens of active compounds in yeast will reveal toxicity profiles and 

               provide the Therapeutic Index on each candidate and allow the selection of those 

               that are both active and non-toxic.


3.     Additional tests, including Minimum Inhibitory Concentration determinations as well as Growth Inhibition Curves in liquid media, and Zone of Inhibition tests using solid media against a range of pathogenic Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, both aerobic and non-aerobic, will establish which compounds are worth the time and expense of characterization.

        Cost:  $1,000,000.


 Year Three:

           Compounds that have in vitro activity against bacteria, and a satisfactory                           Therapeutic Index, will then be characterized by an Analytical Chemist.  The same                lab that does the synthesis may perform the characterization, or a different lab may              be selected.



           Once the activity and toxicity profiles of active compounds have been established, chemical characterization should occur.  By following this sequence, only active compounds go through the expense of lab identification.  Following identification, a Chemical Abstract search by the patent attorney will confirm the novelty of the group of compounds.  Typical tests for this group of compounds include:

           1.     Ultraviolet spectroscopy with water as solvent.

2.     Paper chromatography,

      using the ascending technique with propanol-ethanol-water (40:40:20). 

3.     Infrared spectroscopy to determine the molecular composition of the compounds. 

4.     Nuclear magnetic resonance to determine the structure of the compounds. 

5.   Mass spectrometry for detection and identification of components.

                   Cost:  $1,000,000.


 Year Four:

                Once the compounds have been synthesized, tested in vitro, and characterized, they should be tested in animals to provide evidence for utility.  An animal testing facility will have to be located to conduct such testing. (See Idexx BioResearch for example at the end).



Animal models for human disease exist, and appropriate animals should be selected to demonstrate the ability of the compounds to prevent death from pathogenic bacteria. Typically, animal testing first involves establishing dosing levels, and then challenging the animal with pathogenic bacteria while providing the drug to see if the animal survives. 


          1.   Determine the maximum tolerated oral dose in the mouse and rabbit. 

2.     Perform Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Escherichia coli (diarrhea) challenge tests in mice and rabbits, and Francisella tularensis (Tularemia) and Pasteurella mutocida (cholera) tests in rabbits.  Dogs, cats, and pigs are also candidates for testing.



     3.  Inhibition screening on at least three normal human cell lines to provide a                                 Therapeutic Index for human cells.                                                                  

     4.   Inhibition screening on lung, breast, and prostate human tumor cell lines.

     5.     Inhibition tests on at least three species of protists in liquid media. 

     6.   Inhibition tests on Canine Distemper, Measles, and Ebola viruses in vitro.

                  Cost:  $1,000,000.


 Year Five:

     Patent Filing.

 Once the various synthesis, purification, analytical, and biological techniques are completed, U.S. patent(s) must be filed.  Estimated time to completion from the original filing: three years.  PCT patent(s) must be filed within one year of a U.S. patent application.

Once the patent is filed, potential licensing partners can be contacted.  A marketing manager should be hired to lead this effort.  Only major pharmaceutical companies have the financial means to carry a drug candidate through the FDA process to market.  Up-front money is usually paid at signing, with royalty payments as negotiated.  Joint ventures with major pharmaceutical companies should be investigated as a possible alternative.  Out-right sale is also possible, although licensing and royalties generally result in more money to investors over time.   

                    Cost:  $1,000,000.





BIRMINGHAM, Ala. —Southern Research Institute conducts both contract research and basic research for clients, providing preclinical drug discovery, development, and clinical trial support services in cancer, infectious diseases, and CNS/neurological diseases to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Scientists conduct translational science to invent small molecules and advance them from the design stage to the clinic. Services available include medicinal chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry, high-throughput screening, and a full set of in-house GLP development services including toxicology, ADME/PK, animal models, formulations, and bioanalytical services.

About Southern Research

Southern Research Institute is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) scientific research organization founded in 1941 that conducts preclinical drug discovery and development, advanced engineering research in materials, systems development, and environment and energy research. More than 550 scientific and engineering team members support clients and partners in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, defense, aerospace, environmental, and energy industries. Southern Research is headquartered in Birmingham, Ala., with facilities in Wilsonville, Ala., Frederick, Md., and Durham, NC, and offices in Huntsville, Ala., New Orleans, La., and Washington, DC.


Accugen is an FDA registered, independent contract microbiology laboratory. We offer full microbiological testing and analyze products from a wide variety of industries. Our microbiological testing laboratory is comprised of a highly experienced team of microbiologists who are experts in testing ASTM, AOAC, AATCC, FDA, EPA, USDA, USP, CTFA, JIS, ISO, and other methods of analysis. Our competent professionals have decades of experience in routine microbiological analysis, special microbiology, research microbiology, and a variety of other microbiological testing. We are considered leading authorities in microbial testing. Accugen has provided impeccable microbiological services to pharmaceutical, disinfectant, cosmetic, food, personal care, household, medical device, antimicrobial, paint, paper, plastic, textile, and other miscellaneous industries. At Accugen, we understand the challenges presented by a changing market place and our goal is to maintain the cost-effective and highest-quality microbiological testing services.



Preclinical and Veterinary Clinical Testing

  • High-capacity pathology/lab services facility
  • Experienced clinical and anatomic pathology services
  • Dedicated research support team
  • Reliable turnaround times

 Researchers in the top pharmaceutical organizations, biotechnology companies, and academic institutions trust IDEXX Bioresearch to deliver the highest caliber of outsourced lab results. Consider how we can bring your studies to a successful conclusion. 

  • Complete range of testing options—One-stop, accurate, reliable testing and consultation—Biochemistry, hematology, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, histology, and anatomic pathology using rigorously validated, state-of-the-art analyzers and methodologies.
  • Certified technical staff—A complete staff of board-certified veterinary pathologists provides diagnostic reports and study consultation. Experienced histology and clinical lab technicians, as well as certified medical technologists experienced in comparative clinical pathology.
  • Dedicated research support team—Consult with our pathologists and qualified research support team to plan, schedule, receive, monitor, and deliver accurate results on time for your studies.

Corporate Structure


I bring $25 million in research value to the table; I need $5 million and five years to file a broad patent.  


First Step:  Set up a corporation with one hundred million shares of Class A voting stock, and one hundred million shares of Class B non-voting stock.


I get 60 million shares of Class A stock and the original investors of $5 million split 20 million shares of Class A stock in proportion to their investment.  

20 million shares of Class A stock, and all of the Class B stock, remain in the corporation.  


Original investors of $5 million get 80% of after-tax licensing, royalty, or outright sale revenue, proportionally divided, until they receive 10x their investment value back.  I receive 10 % of after-tax licensing, royalty, or outright sale revenue, until the original investors receive 10x their investment back, with 10% remaining in the corporation.


After original investors earn their 10x back, they then participate in subsequent after-tax licensing, royalty, or outright sale revenues at a 20% rate, proportionally divided.  


Once the original investors earn their 10x back, I receive 60% of any after-tax licensing, royalty or outright sale revenue, and the rest stays in the corporation for use by the corporation and/or distribution to Class B stockholders.  Any subsequent stock sale after the opening round involves Class B stock.



After setting up the corporate structure, the core people necessary to carry out the required tasks must be assembled.  These people include:


Two salaried people.  I as the CEO of the corporation, and a second person with an administrative role to handle the office work.  Office space would be rented monthly.  All other work would be subcontracted out on a fee-for-service basis.  See Research Plan for more information on outsourcing of research.


A CPA firm to handle the money and bookkeeping.  All investor funds would go into an escrow account under the control of the CPA, who would disperse the funds as needed by the CEO.  This firm must be selected.


A pharmaceutical patent attorney.  This person must be recruited. 


Business and contract law attorney to provide counsel on general business matters. This person needs to be recruited.


A marketing guru to supervise the marketing of the patent to pharmaceutical candidates.   This person or firm must also be selected.


I also intend to form an Advisory Board to provide seasoned advice in a structured environment.  Advisors would be included as the project proceeds.  Attendees of Advisory Board meetings would receive financial compensation for attending meetings and providing their expertise.